ISPT / Aliro Industrial Estates Trust

  • Investments
  • Institutional

ISPT / Aliro Industrial Estates Trust

  • Established
  • Sector
  • Geographical exposure
    Australia with a focus on eastern seaboard markets
  • Vehicle status
    Closed for investment

A partnership established in 2018 with ISPT to acquire, develop, lease and manage large-scale land across the Australian eastern seaboard in industrial and logistics estates.

Investment Strategy

Active value creation through land development, estate creation, pre-leasing and leasing, and active asset management.

Value-add opportunities are created through redevelopment, expansion, greenfield land and land that may require rezoning.

Properties are sourced from eastern seaboard core industrial markets that are strategically located with proximity to key transport infrastructure.

A particular focus of this strategy is the creation of institutional quality generational industrial estates incorporating market-leading sustainability initiatives to ensure long-term tenant demand and performance.

  • Assets in Portfolio
    10 [1]
  • Current FUM ($)
    1.5b [2]
  • Pipeline created by Aliro ($)
    4.5b [3]
  • Pipeline created by Aliro (SQM)
    1.3m [3]

[1] As at 31 March 2024. Assets originated by Aliro under the mandate.

[2] As at 31 March 2024. Reflects FUM only, calculated as GAVoC of assets delivered in full under mandate and forecast managed cost for others.

[3] As at 31 March 2024. Estimated Gross Value on Completion and GLA on Completion of all assets originated by Aliro in partnership with ISPT.

Key Contacts
Andrzej Masztak

Executive Director & Chief Delivery Officer

Find Out More

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