2025 Chain Reaction Challenge
Team Aliro gears up for the 2025 Sydney Chain Reaction Challenge
Aliro Group supports the Property Industry Foundation's 2023 Sydney Tour de PIF as both the ride sponsor and team participant.
Aliro Group was delighted to support the Property Industry Foundation 2023 Sydney Tour de PIF as both the ride sponsor and team participant.
The event raised over $122k for The Haven Project, of which the Aliro team contributed almost $24k. The Haven Project is an initiative where the #property and #construction industries join together to build homes for homeless youth.
Aliro was recognised as the largest company donor, while Daniel J Wise, David Southon and Andrzej Masztak were recognised as the leading individual donors, finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively.
The team enjoyed participating in the various walking, running and cycling events with industry colleagues. We are already looking forward to next year’s event! A big thank you to the Property Industry Foundation for hosting and the many volunteers that were involved with the set-up.
We now look forward to Tour de PIF Melbourne on Friday the 17th of November, where Aliro will be a principal sponsor.
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