AGIV Green Star Outcomes


AGIV Green Star Outcomes

5 Star ratings achieved at 76 Paramount Boulevard (Derrimut, VIC) and TripleTwoNine (Caringbah, NSW).

Will Kitchen & Lisa Ryan / 11 June, 2024

Aliro Group on behalf of the Aliro Group Industrial Vehicle (AGIV), is pleased to announce two recent Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) awards within our quality industrial portfolio.

The 17,266sqm Linfox facility at 76 Paramount Boulevard, Derrimut (Melbourne, VIC) has been awarded a 5 Star – Green Star – Design & As Built v1.3 certification. Our Victorian Team partnered with 2Construct and Sustainable Development Consultants to achieve this certification, delivering a customised solution to meet Linfox and their customers’ specialised operations, including Dangerous Goods storage.

Warehouse 1 at TripleTwoNine in Caringbah (Sydney, NSW) has been awarded a 5 Star – Green Star – Design & As Built (v1.3) certification. Our NSW Team partnered with FDC and Northrop Consulting Engineers to refurbish and re-position the 26,282sqm, former vehicular parts storage warehouse into a prime, institutional-grade multi-tenanted facility – occupied by Australia Post, WooliesX, Carlile Swimming, Bowerbird Interiors and Dutton One.

Aliro has a strong commitment to delivering positive ESG outcomes, aiming to operate sustainably with a vision to enhancing customer experience and creating places for people to connect and thrive. This is demonstrated within AGIV, with all new developments required to meet or exceed the ‘Best Practice’ GBCA Green Star certification.

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